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Dangers of Kundalini Awakening

Dangers of Kundalini Awakening & The Benefits …

If you’re on a spiritual journey, chances are that you’ve heard of Kundalini Awakening. This powerful practice promises to awaken inner energy and unlock a higher state of consciousness. However, as with any spiritual practice, there are risks involved in the process. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different stages of Kundalini Awakening and the potential dangers that come with it – including Spiritual Delusion, Spiritual Bypassing, psychosis- as well as its benefits. Plus, we’ll share some tips for safely awakening your Kundalini energy so that you can experience all the rewards without risking your mental or physical health. Let’s get started!

What is Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini Awakening is a spiritual practice that aims to awaken the Kundalini energy at the base of your spine, which lies dormant in most people. This energy is depicted in Hinduism to be coiled like a serpent and can be awakened through various methods such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, as well as sex and drugs.

The awakening process involves activating the “serpent energy” located at the base of the spine. As you progress through this process, you may experience physical sensations such as tingling or heat and emotional responses ranging from euphoria to fear.

Many people who practice Kundalini Awakening report feeling more connected with their intuition and experiencing higher states of consciousness. However, it’s important to note that while some individuals have reported positive experiences with Kundalini Awakening, others have experienced negative side effects. In my case, I’ve experienced the extremes of both!

It’s crucial to approach this practice with caution and awareness since it can lead to intense physical and mental sensations that are not suitable for everyone. It’s also highly recommended seeking guidance from an experienced teacher before attempting any form of Kundalini Awakening on your own.

Ultimately, Kundalini Awakening is a deeply personal and spiritual journey that should not be taken lightly.

The Different Stages of Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini awakening is a transformative and spiritual experience that can bring about profound changes in an individual’s life. However, the process of Kundalini awakening is not a one-size-fits-all experience. It varies from person to person and can manifest differently depending on the individual’s level of consciousness.

These “stages” are not absolute in any way. Nor are these listed stages in any order as Kundalini energy has its’ own intelligence.

The first stage of Kundalini awakening involves physical symptoms such as tingling sensations, heat or cold in different parts of the body, and involuntary muscle movements. In this stage, individuals may also experience emotional imbalances such as mood swings and heightened sensitivity.

In the second stage, individuals may begin to have vivid dreams or visions while awake. They may also become more aware of their surroundings and develop a deeper understanding of themselves. Perhaps some glimpses of “spiritual gifts” begin to come into view.

The third stage involves a deep sense of connection with all things around them. Individuals often feel a sense of unity with nature, people, animals or even objects. This stage brings about an inner peace that allows for greater self-awareness and personal growth. Very much like a “pink cloud” effect that addicts and alcoholics refer to when first getting clean!

In the higher more advanced stages individuals reach samsara, self-realization. At this point, they may experience a deep transformation and awakening that leads to permanent change., liberation of the Soul. They may also experience an increase in spiritual insight and knowledge. Depending on the Soul, many “Spiritual Gifts” may be realized. In my case many, including psychic abilities, clairvoyance, healing abilities and coming off of the “wheel of karma”. This means not continuing on the cycles of life and death in this world. This is Soul Liberation and it is very noticeable when it happens! The end of karma for the individual.

However, some people may experience a period of psychosis or spiritual delusion at this stage. which brings about feelings of fear, paranoia and other negative and even dangerous visions, “downloads” etc. I’ve personally experienced all of it! I’m grateful for all of it now, because I’m a much stronger person for it. Many of the Stages of my awakening were very, very intense and not the sort of thing you can go through while working a normal job or such. This is very serious spiritual business! 

It is important to note that each individual’s journey through these stages will be unique but no matter what happens during each phase: Stay grounded!

The Dangers of Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini awakening is a powerful spiritual experience that can bring immense benefits to one’s life. However, it also carries significant risks and potential dangers for those who are not prepared or do not approach the process with caution.

One of the main dangers of kundalini awakening is spiritual delusion. This occurs when individuals become so fixated on their own experiences that they lose touch with reality and begin to believe in their own grandiosity. They may start believing that they are enlightened beings, capable of performing miracles or communicating directly with higher entities. Often, they may be! Others may be thinking they are but they are actually only delusional.

Another risk associated with kundalini awakening is spiritual bypassing. People might use spirituality as an escape from their emotional pain instead of facing them head-on. It can lead to denial, repression, dissociation and other unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Kundalini awakening can also trigger psychosis in people who have underlying mental health issues such as schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking patterns which require medical attention. Western medicine doesn’t understand or have “a safe space” for individuals experiencing a kundalini event. Often the individual will be classified as a “mental health patient” and given drugs to treat something very different.

It’s important to note that these dangers don’t apply to everyone who undergoes kundalini awakening but only occur in certain cases where individuals lack preparation or guidance during the process. I was not prepared when my spontaneous kundalini awakening happened. It was a wild ride for a long time. My Kundalini awakening has been literally on-going for more than 25 yrs. Now. I meet individuals who claim they’ve had kundalini awakenings that happened over a weekend then that was that! I’m not calling them wrong or lying but personally that doesn’t sound like what I know! 

Therefore, it’s crucial for anyone interested in exploring kundalini energy must seek advice from experienced mentors or teachers before starting its practice.

The Benefits of Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini awakening is not only about the dangers and challenges that come with it. It also brings a lot of benefits to those who experience it. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from Kundalini awakening:

1) Spiritual Growth: One of the primary benefits of Kundalini awakening is spiritual growth. As your Kundalini energy rises, you become more aware of your true self and your connection to the universe. The Kundalini “prepares” the physical body for more refined spiritual energies to take up residence.

2) Increased Energy: Another benefit of Kundalini awakening is increased energy levels. This newfound energy can help you overcome physical and mental fatigue, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in life. Sometimes the kundalini energy is too much for the energetic and physical bodies. Individuals can experience serious “circuitry overload”. This is due to the physical and Etheric bodies getting conditioned to higher voltage of Spiritual energies. For instance, the level of light/energy that comes through me now is much, much more than it was 20 years ago. There is no way I could hold the energy/ light that I do now 20 or even 10 years ago.

3) Heightened Creativity: Many people report a surge in creativity after experiencing Kundalini awakening. As your mind becomes more open and receptive, new ideas begin to flow freely. This has been very true in my case. I’ve also seen individuals become very delusional as well.

4) Improved Relationships: Kundalini awakening can also lead to improved relationships with others. You become more compassionate, loving, and understanding towards those around you. Many people will find that old relationships fall away and new ones created with more vibrational match!

5) Greater Clarity: Kundalini awakening brings greater clarity to life’s purpose and meaning. You gain insight into why things happen as they do and how everything fits together in the grand scheme of things. You begin to live more from Source/ Soul and less from imprinting and old social norms.

6) Understanding / clearing and integrating past lives. Often one in the midst of a kundalini awakening will “experience” memories, trauma, wounds and significant events from past lives. I’ve had the experience many times of very clear past life memories including very clear smells, pictures of past lives including the mind-sets of past lives and different motivations that seem to be themes though multiple past lives. For instance, I’ve had many past lives as a warrior. I’ve been in the moment of death in memories and can smell all the smells of the place, see very detailed “movies” as if they are real life in the moment.

While there may be risks associated with kundalini awakenings, many people have experienced significant positive changes as well!

How to Safely Awaken Kundalini

Awakening Kundalini can be a life-changing experience, but it is essential to approach the process with caution. Here are some tips for safely awakening Kundalini.

Firstly, it is crucial to have a strong foundation in meditation and yoga before attempting to awaken Kundalini. These practices help prepare the mind and body for the intense energy that comes with Kundalini awakening. As someone who didn’t prepare, I highly recommend this. It will save you much trouble and turmoil!

It is also important to work with a knowledgeable teacher or mentor who has experience guiding others through this process. A qualified teacher can provide guidance on how to navigate any challenges that may arise during Kundalini awakening. I see so many different individuals posing as kundalini experts. They are either dangerous in the sense that if they truly are activating kundalini in people, doing so without proper wisdom and certain levels of mastery which is mandatory to do it correctly. Be careful!! Be Smart !!!

Another way to ensure safe activation of Kundalini energy is by taking care of your physical health. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise can all contribute positively towards preparing your body for the process.

It’s essential not to rush into anything when it comes to activating your kundalini energies. Take time working on yourself spiritually first before trying any advanced techniques like kundalini activation as rushing things could lead you down an unhappy path leading you away from spirituality entirely!


Kundalini awakening is a powerful spiritual experience that has the potential to transform your life in profound ways. However, it’s essential to approach this practice with caution and respect for its potency. The dangers of Kundalini awakening are real and should not be taken lightly.

If you’re looking to awaken your Kundalini energy safely, it’s crucial to seek guidance from an experienced teacher or practitioner who can help you navigate the process. Remember that spiritual delusion and bypassing are common pitfalls on the path of spiritual growth, so it’s important to stay grounded in reality while exploring these practices.

By being mindful of the risks involved and practicing safe techniques for awakening your inner energy, you can reap the many benefits of Kundalini activation without endangering yourself or others.  Thank you for your presence here on the planet! YOU.. make a difference!

 Written by: Kenton David Bell

How To Create A Higher Consciousness Workplace: The Benefits Of Incorporating Mindfulness & Spirituality Into Your Corporate Culture

In a world where technology and innovation are increasingly valued, how do we find balance in the workplace? As more companies strive to create a higher consciousness work environment, mindfulness and spirituality can provide the perfect blend of modernity and human connection. Learn more about the benefits of incorporating such practices into your corporate culture and how you can create a healthier, more productive work environment for everyone.

What is Higher Consciousness?

The term “higher consciousness” has been used in many different ways, but it generally refers to a state of greater awareness, understanding, and compassion. It can also refer to a more spiritually enlightened state of being.

There are many benefits to incorporating higher consciousness into your workplace. A higher consciousness workplace is typically more creative, productive, and happy. Mindfulness and spirituality are two key components of creating a higher consciousness workplace.

Mindfulness is the practice of present-moment awareness. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your own thoughts and emotions, as well as the thoughts and emotions of others.

Spirituality is about connecting with something larger than yourself. It often involves practices such as meditation, prayer, or simply spending time in nature. By connecting with a higher power or source of energy, you can tap into a deeper sense of peace and purpose.

Both mindfulness and spirituality can help reduce stress, improve communication, and promote creativity and collaboration. When employees feel good mentally and spiritually, they’re more likely to be engaged and productive at work.

If you’re interested in creating a higher consciousness workplace, there are many resources available to help you get started. There are books on the topic, as well as online courses and programs. You can also hire a consultant or coach who specializes in this area.

“I’ve many years assisting individually owned small businesses as well as larger organizations, it’s amazing what the right person can bring to an organization!” — Kenton D. Bell

Benefits of Incorporating Higher Consciousness into the Corporate Culture

When it comes to the workplace, many people are starting to see the benefits of incorporating higher consciousness into the corporate culture. By doing so, employees are able to connect with their work on a deeper level and feel more fulfilled in their roles. Additionally, studies have shown that mindfulness and spirituality can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and collaboration within a team.

If you’re interested in creating a higher consciousness workplace, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, try incorporating some mindfulness practices into your daily routine. This could involve taking a few minutes each day to meditate or simply paying more attention to your breath throughout the day. You might also want to create a space for employees to gather for weekly meditation or yoga sessions.

Additionally, encourage employees to connect with their spiritual side by offering opportunities for them to explore their beliefs and values. This could be done through company-sponsored retreats or workshops on topics like self-awareness or personal growth. You might also want to consider hanging inspirational quotes or artwork around the office that promotes positive thinking and inner peace.

By making some simple changes in your workplace, you can create an environment that supports higher consciousness and allows employees to thrive.

How to Start a Higher Consciousness Practice

When it comes to achieving a higher consciousness in the workplace, there are many different paths that you can take. However, one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by incorporating mindfulness and spirituality into your corporate culture.

Here are a few tips on how to start a higher consciousness practice in your workplace:

1. Encourage your employees to meditate.

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for achieving a higher state of consciousness. By encouraging your employees to meditate on a regular basis, you will create a more calm and productive work environment.

2. Set aside time for spiritual reflection.

Another great way to promote a higher consciousness in the workplace is by setting aside time each day for spiritual reflection. This can be done through group meditation or simply taking a few minutes each day to reflect on your personal spiritual practice.

3. Promote healthy lifestyle choices.

Encouraging your employees to live healthy lifestyles is also key to promoting a higher consciousness in the workplace. This includes things like eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. By promoting healthy lifestyle choices, you will create an environment that is conducive to raising one’s consciousness.

Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness has been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress, increase focus, and promote creativity and productivity in the workplace. There are a number of different mindfulness exercises that can be incorporated into your corporate culture to promote these benefits.

One simple mindfulness exercise is to take a few moments each day to stop and focusing on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, pay attention to the sensations in your body and clear your mind of any thoughts or worries. This exercise can be done sitting at your desk or even taking a short walk outside.

Another mindfulness exercise is to focus on a specific object or activity for a set period of time. For example, you can choose to focus on the sensation of your feet touching the ground as you walk, or the sound of your breath as you sit in silence. By giving your full attention to one thing, you can help to quiet the mind and reduce stress.

There are many other mindfulness exercises that can be incorporated into your workplace culture. You can find more information and resources online or by talking to a qualified mindfulness instructor.

Tips to Create a Positive Workplace Environment

When it comes to creating a positive workplace environment, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to create a space that is inclusive and welcoming to all employees. This means creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves and their unique perspectives.

In addition to creating an inclusive environment, it’s also important to focus on mindfulness and spirituality in the workplace. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as incorporating meditation or yoga into the workday, offering employees opportunities for personal growth and development, or simply promoting an overall atmosphere of positivity and respect.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can create a positive workplace environment that will promote higher consciousness and overall well-being for all employees.

The Role of Spirituality in the Workplace

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in incorporating spirituality into the workplace. This is likely due to the growing awareness of the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, which are often seen as spiritual practices.

There are many ways to incorporate spirituality into the workplace. Some companies may offer yoga or meditation classes during lunch breaks, while others may have a chaplain on staff. There are also a number of simple things that employees can do to create a more spiritual environment at work, such as:

– Taking time for personal reflection each day

– Listening to calming music

– Decorating their workspace with inspiring quotes or images

– Connecting with co-workers on a deeper level

When employees feel more connected to their work and their co-workers, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. Additionally, research has shown that spirituality can lead to increased levels of creativity and innovation.

Examples of Companies That Embrace Higher Consciousness

In today’s business world, more and more companies are beginning to embrace the concept of “higher consciousness” in the workplace. This means incorporating mindfulness and spirituality into their corporate culture in order to create a more positive, productive, and meaningful work environment for employees.

Some examples of companies that have successfully implemented higher consciousness principles into their workplaces include Google, Apple, Nike, and AOL. These companies have all reported increased levels of employee satisfaction and productivity since making the switch to a more mindful way of doing business.

So, what exactly is higher consciousness? Put simply, it is the awareness that we are all interconnected beings sharing one planet and one experience. It is the recognition that we each have a role to play in making this world a better place for everyone.

“Higher Consciousness, Higher Mind, Soul’s Wisdom all have an intelligence that is ready to support us for any reason at any time! Are you ready to accept that support?”

When applied to the workplace, higher consciousness principles can help create an environment where employees feel valued, appreciated, and supported. In turn, this leads to increased loyalty, engagement, and motivation – all of which are essential for any successful business.

If you’re interested in creating a higher consciousness workplace for your company, there are a few things you can do to get started:

1) Encourage employees to meditate or practice mindfulness during break times.

2) Host regular workshops or training sessions on topics like personal development, stress management, and emotional intelligence.

3) Make time for open communication and collaboration between team members.

4) Offer flexible work hours or allow employees to work from home


Creating a higher consciousness workplace can benefit your business in many ways. Not only does it help to increase productivity and reduce stress, but it also helps to create an environment of shared values that encourages team collaboration and respect for one another. By incorporating mindfulness practices into the corporate culture, you will be able to tap into the power of collective energy and synergy, which can lead to greater success both inside and outside of the office. With these benefits in mind, take some time today to start cultivating a more mindful and spiritual workplace!

Transformation coach Kenton David Bell is helping people create new realities out of the ashes of the old. “I work with people who are ready to transcend their current circumstances and create something new and beautiful in their lives,” said Kenton. Through one-on-one coaching and group workshops, Kenton helps people connect with their higher selves, identify their deepest desires, and take actions to manifest them into reality. “The old world is crumbling around us, but that doesn’t mean we have to go down with it,” said Kenton. “I believe we are all capable of creating our own worlds – ones that are abundant, joyful, and free.” If you’re ready to transform your life,

Contact Kenton David Bell at [email protected]

Phone # 928-274-2026

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Egoic Economy V.S. An Economy Based in Love

In a world where the pursuit of economic growth dominates our culture and way of life, many are beginning to question if this is truly the path towards a better future. What if we shifted our focus from an egoic economy that measures success through GDP, to one that prioritizes love, compassion, and service? Join us as we explore the concept of transcending beyond traditional economics and delve into the benefits and drawbacks of an egoic economy versus a GDP of love. You won’t want to miss out on this thought-provoking discussion on how we can create a more fulfilling vocation for ourselves while embracing our divine right as humans.

Global Change is Good

Change is a constant in the world we live in. From the smallest of things to the largest, everything experiences change at some point in time. Global changes have been occurring for decades and continue to shape our culture and way of life. Many people view such changes as daunting or even frightening but, in reality, global change can be a good thing.

Firstly, global change often leads to new opportunities that may not have existed before. For example, technological advancements have revolutionized many aspects of our lives by creating new industries and jobs that were previously unimaginable.

Secondly, global change forces us to adapt and become more resilient as individuals and communities. It teaches us how to face challenges head-on while fostering creativity and innovation.

Global change brings about progress towards achieving collective goals such as sustainable development or social justice issues like poverty reduction.

Global changes are essential for growth both on an individual level and society as a whole since they challenge us out of our comfort zones while offering fresh perspectives on old problems.

What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic performance of a country. It represents the total value of goods and services produced within the country’s borders during a specific period, usually one year. GDP includes everything from consumer spending to government expenditures, business investments and exports.

The calculation of GDP involves adding up all the money spent on final goods and services in the economy. This number then reflects how much output was produced by an economy over time.

While many countries use GDP as a measure for their economic growth, it has its limitations. For instance, it doesn’t account for income inequality or environmental degradation caused by excessive production activities.

Despite its drawbacks, GDP remains an essential tool used to assess economies’ overall health and wellbeing. However, there are emerging alternatives like Gross National Happiness that measures social progress using happiness indices rather than just financial gain.

While GDP provides some insight into an economy’s productivity level; policymakers need to consider other indicators such as quality of life factors when making decisions about resource allocation in society.

What is an Egoic Economy?

An egoic economy is an economic system that prioritizes individual gains over collective well-being. In this type of economy, the accumulation of wealth and material possessions is seen as the ultimate goal, leading to a culture of competition and comparison.

This type of economy can create a society where people are more concerned with their own success than helping others. People often prioritize their own interests above all else, which can lead to inequality and social unrest.

An egoic economy also tends to value certain types of work over others. Jobs that pay well or come with prestige are seen as more valuable than those that benefit society in less tangible ways. This can discourage people from pursuing careers in areas like teaching or the arts, which have immense value but may not be financially lucrative.

An egoic economy creates a culture where personal gain is more important than community building or serving others. It leads to a narrow perspective on what constitutes success and fulfillment, limiting our capacity for growth and transcending beyond ourselves towards love-driven economies based on vocation and divine right.

The Pros and Cons of an Egoic Economy

An Egoic Economy is an economic system that prioritizes individual success and profit over the greater good of society. Here are some pros and cons of this type of economy.


1. Innovation: An Egoic Economy can encourage innovation because individuals are driven by personal success and recognition.

2. Competition: Competition can lead to higher quality products and services, as businesses strive to outdo one another.

3. Individual Responsibility: In an Egoic Economy, individuals take responsibility for their own success or failure rather than relying on government support.


1. Social Inequality: An Egoic Economy often leads to a wider gap between the rich and poor, as those who succeed accumulate more wealth at the expense of others.

2. Exploitation: The focus on individual profit can sometimes lead to exploitation of workers, natural resources, or even consumers in pursuit of profits.

3. Short-Term Thinking: Businesses may prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability or social responsibility.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to an Egoic Economy depending on how it is implemented within a given culture vocation or divine right transcending Love’s values in society.

How to Create an Egoic Economy

Creating an Egoic Economy requires a new mindset towards money and resources. Instead of focusing solely on personal gain, the goal should be to benefit both oneself and others. To start, it’s important to recognize that everyone has something valuable to offer.

One way to implement an Egoic Economy is by shifting focus from competition to collaboration. This means working together with others instead of trying to outdo them. By doing so, we can create stronger communities where everyone benefits.

Another key aspect of an Egoic Economy is valuing non-monetary contributions. For example, caring for children or elderly family members may not generate income but it provides invaluable service to society. Recognizing and valuing these types of contributions helps shift away from the idea that financial success is the only measure of value.

Implementing an Egoic Economy requires a shift in priorities towards sustainability and long-term thinking rather than short-term gains. By considering the impact our actions have on future generations and the planet as a whole, we can work towards creating a more equitable and sustainable world for all.

Creating an Egoic Economy is about finding ways to prioritize community over individual gain while recognizing that every contribution counts regardless of its monetary value. It requires a shift in mindset towards collaboration, valuing non-monetary contributions, and prioritizing sustainability for future generations.


The Egoic Economy and a GDP of Love are two different economic systems with distinct characteristics. The former is driven by self-interest and competition while the latter acknowledges that we are all interconnected and focuses on collaboration, compassion, empathy and love.

As global citizens, it is imperative that we transcend our egoic culture to cultivate an economy based on love, vocation and divine right. We must shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance where everyone has access to resources necessary for their well-being.

It’s time for us to realize that when we prioritize human flourishing over profit maximization, everyone benefits in the long run. It’s time for us to put people before profits because ultimately WE ARE THE ECONOMY!